Mr Louis Verveen - Owner / Lead Attorney
Ms. Tarryn Campbell - Attorney
Mr. Solly Mmakola - Attorney
Miss Mercy Dhliwayo - Candidate Attorney
Mr Louis Verveen:
Qualifications: B Proc, LLM, Advanced Dip Labour Law
He has right of appearance in the High Court.
Years of experience: 20 years
Cell number: 083 456 3259
Office number: 015 297 7852
Fax number: 086 624 1104
Email: Address:
His extensive experience in civil and labour law litigation in both the High Court and Magistrate's Courts. He has served on the following dispute resolution forums:
a) As a Commissioner (level A) with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) from 1997 to 2001.
b) As a Conciliating and Arbitrating panellist for the Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council (SSSBC), the General Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (GPSCBC), and Public Health and Welfare Sectoral Bargaining Council. (PHWSBC).
c) As a Commissioner in the Polokwane Small Claims Court since 2003 to date.
His experience includes but is not limited to the following:
- Labour Law
-Administrative Law
-Drafting of opinions for Organs of State. Extensive experience in advising Municipality’s, other Organs of State and Parastatals in respect of the Public Finance Management Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act.
-Land Claims and Land Audits
-Construction Law
-Corporate Law
- Civil Litigation
- Commercial Contracts and leases
-RAF claims
- Debt Collection
Mr Verveen is an admitted attorney (admitted 29 July 1997) and has obtained a BPROC. Degree, and Advanced Labour Law Diploma as well as an LLM degree in Labour Law.
He completed his articles of clerkship at Botha Horak Attorneys, during which time he gained extensive experience in the registration process of properties as well as in civil and criminal litigation in the High Court and Magistrate's Court.
He further obtained training and dealt with all current labour legislation and have been able to provide advice, training and opinions with regard to same.
His experience in the field of Labour Law / Employment Law involves the following:
Litigation in the Labour Court, CCMA and various Bargaining Councils. He has acted on behalf of a wide spectrum of clients in the above mentioned forums, although his focus has predominantly been representation of small to medium sized business (employers) and National Provincial and Local Government Departments and Subsidiaries of Government Departments.
He has further represented clients in negotiations with Trade Unions with regard to; wage negotiations, retrenchment consultations, conclusion of collective agreements, and drafting of disciplinary codes and procedures. He has dealt with Trade Unions in the Aviation Industry, Motor Industry, Commercial and Food Industry, Iron and Steel Industry, Security, Transport and Mining Industry and represented clients in the Public Service, Education and Local Government Sectors. He is fully conversant with the Local Government Undertaking Conditions of Employment Agreement
We has further provided legal advice and representation in labour disputes labour related legal opinions to various institutions including two prominent Universities in the Limpopo Province, Gateway Airport Authority Limited, Road Agency Limpopo and acted as Chairperson and prosecutor in numerous disciplinary hearings and enquiries in the said institutions.
During 1997 to 2001, he served as a Commissioner (level A) with the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and has obtained vast experience in resolving labour disputes by means of Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration. He also served as a Conciliating and Arbitrating Panellist for the Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council the General Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council, as well as the Public Health and Welfare Sectoral Bargaining Council.
He has also been involved in Labour Related training and Relationship Building by Objective (RBO), Exercises within the Mining Industry (Anglo Platinum / National Union of Mine Workers) (De Beers - Venetia mine / NUM / NETU) and within the small to medium size business sector. He provided Labour Law and Industrial Relations Training to various Companies and Institutions including the South African Broadcasting Corporation, Messina Platinum Mines Ltd, De Beers Group of Diamond Mines – Venetia Mine as well as Silicon Mine.
He has further served as the Company Secretary for the Polokwane International Airport (PIA now known as GAAL) for the period 2004 – 2006. During this period, he provided guidance to the Board of Directors on Legal Matters which included Legal Opinions, Drafting of Contracts and Agreements as well as full Company Secretarial function of Polokwane International Airport.
Qualifications: B Com Law, LLB, Notary Public
Years of experience: 5 years
Office number: 015 297 7852
Fax number: 086 624 1104
Email: Address:
Ms. Campbell joined the firm on 16 March 2012 as an admitted Professional Assistant (admitted 15 March 2012). She obtained a B. Com Law which she completed in 2005. She further obtained her LLB degree in 2010 and did her articles of clerkship at Kampherbeek, Twine and Pogrund Attorneys. There she gained experience in contracts, and civil litigation.
Ms. Campbell was one of the top three students in all modules offered at the School for Legal Practice in her six months legal training. She specialized in Tax Law, Bank Law, Insurance Law, Advanced Labour Law in her LLB degree. Ms. Campbell was admitted as a Notary on the 19th of November 2013 and is currently studying Business Rescue.
She specialized in Tax Law, Bank Law, Insurance Law, Advanced Labour Law in her LLB degree and is experienced in drafting of opinions, civil litigation, memorandums, opinions, sales agreements, employment contract, Antenuptial contracts, registration of proposed servitudes.
Miss Mercy Dhliwayo:
Qualifications: LLB
Office number: 015 297 7852
Fax number: 086 624 1104
Email: Address:
She joined the firm July 2009 in the capacity of Candidate Attorney. She completed her LLB Degree at the University of Limpopo. Her field of specialty amongst other included Corporate Law, legal opinions and Labour law litigation.
Ms. Dhliwayo is a person of exceptional calibre and has distinguished herself in various endeavours. She has displayed a budding interest in the field of Labour Law as during her studies she participated in Moot Court Competitions and debating. She is conversant with the locally spoken languages, Northern Sotho and Ndebele she has already proven herself as an asset to the Firm. She is currently busy with LLM (Intellectual Property Law).